Toronto Tornado Track Animation

Project Summary

This ArcGIS Online Instant App animates tornado tracks in southern Ontario from 1980 to 2009, showing the number of human injuries using graduated symbols. Data from Environment and Climate Change Canada highlights tornado severity over time, with 10-year intervals providing a clear visualization of historical tornado impacts in the region.

Instructor: Lindsey Smith

Time: Create Date: 2023, Nov, 13th; Last updated: 2024, Sep, 4th

Skills: ArcGIS Pro, Instant App ArcGIS Online
This ArcGIS Online Instant App provides an animated visualization of tornado tracks in southern Ontario, categorized by the number of human injuries over time. The map covers the period from 1980 to 2009, and animates in 10-year intervals, allowing users to track tornado activity across different regions during this time span.

The tornado tracks are represented using graduated symbols that vary in size according to the number of human injuries, providing a clear visual distinction of the severity of each event. The larger the symbol, the greater the number of injuries. This helps users quickly assess the impact of different tornadoes on human populations.
Reference: City of Toronto, Province of Ontario, Esri Canada, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, METI/NASA, USGS, EPA, NPS, USDA, NRCan, Parks Canada